This week is a Bonus Tip and that is the Experience. Is purchasing your puppy a whole experience or is it merely a transaction. This is something that I am continually working on. Each and every litter work to improve. I want you to feel a part of the CNR Farms family from the moment you contact me. Things that I do as a part of the CNR experience is Weekly Email Updates, a Private Family Page with YouTube videos posted at least weekly, a meet and greet day at 6 weeks with 1 hour of puppy information/Q and A and 1 hour of puppy play time, Temperament Testing videos and results at 7 weeks to assist with picking, a go home day at 8 weeks complete with individual appointments and a puppy goodie bag, and finally a private Facebook page for our puppy families to follow along with siblings, share updates, and ask questions.
Buying a puppy is a big step so make sure when you make this decision you are buying from someone that is breeding responsibly with the long term health and happiness of those puppies in mind. The only way to stop irresponsible breeders is to support and purchase from those that are breeding the right way.