Anyone who knows me knows that I am always researching. I want the best for my dogs nutritionally, health wise, life wise, and improving our breeding program. While on the search for a new addition to our breeding program I kept coming across breeders feeding Life’s Abundance. Everyone had great things to say about it so I decided to do some research. This was about 6 months ago. We didn’t make this change quickly. It was with a lot of thought and research first. I was astounded at what I found on this food. It was a highly-rated food with no recalls, developed by Dr. Jane Bicks, former holistic veterinarian. I loved that it is a holistically formulated food and is made in frequent batches so that you receive the freshest possible food right to your door. You generally receive it within 4 to 6 weeks of being made. When looking at others dog foods they are made in huge batches and are often 6 months to a year old before getting to the store then no telling how long they sit in the back before being put on the shelf. The fresher the food the more nutritional it is. Then when looking at the guaranteed analysis of the food the ingredients were just top notch. Life’s Abundance has guaranteed probiotics which are critical to a healthy digestive system and when comparing to the very few brands who do have probiotics the amount in Life’s Abundance is so far above the amount in the others that they don’t even compare when looking on paper. Guaranteed Omega-3 fatty acids to promote healthy skin and coat. Calcium and Phosphorus these 2 things are critical for strong bone development. The proteins used are high quality and there is no corn, corn gluten, wheat, or wheat gluten.
Skip forward I made my first order and I also signed up as a Independent Field Rep because I was passionate about this food before I even tried it and can I just say it has not disappointed. When my box came in with samples of everything I couldn’t wait to start trying it and then my food came in. Bare with me while a have a little freak out about dog food. I ordered 40lb bags and they have zipper closure! How cool is that! So anyways I opened the first bag of food and let me just say it smelt wonderful. I have never smelled a dog food and thought, that smells good until now. I did a test and brought each dog one by one into the feed room. I had 2 identical bowls. One had the dog food we had been feeding and the other had Life’s Abundance. 16 out of 16 went for the Life’s Abundance. Most smelled their normal food and went for the other bowl. While making the switch and slowly mixing their food I watched several pick out the Life’s Abundance and then eat their old food last. I used the canned food and a Wellness tablet mixed in for Gena while she was nursing puppies to help her appetite and she loved it. She would see me walking for a can and her tail would wag so hard. The puppies also love the food. Something I have noticed with this past litter over every other litter we have raised is no loose stool. All stool has been solid and small. A little bit of loose stool when moving to food and sometimes randomly is something we have always dealt with until now. I honestly believe it has everything to do with the high nutrition of Life’s Abundance.
I have also saw improvements in our adult dogs. Their coats are getting softer and have more shine. Also, there has been less poop as they are using so much of the food nutritionally during digestion.
I did a comparison on Victor Hi-Pro Plus (what we were feeding) and Life’s Abundance All Life Stages. Life’s Abundance was only .19 cents more a day and $5.78 more a month. That’s basically skipping one coffee from Starbucks to provide top nutrition for my dogs. To me that is totally worth it. Here is my comparison chart.

I have done several comparisons over the last month and Life’s Abundance has stood out well above the competition. I would be happy to do a comparison for you just shoot me an email at cnrfarms@yahoo.com with your current dog food, weight of your dog, and any health concerns. You can also click here to see the Life’s Abundance premade comparison charts for several brands.
Now not only do we use the food, we use the shampoo, ear care formula, treats, floor cleaner, etc. I love all of their products and can feel good about using them. If you would like any more information feel free to contact me and to order visit https://www.lifesabundance.com/Home.aspx?realname=20576736
CNR Farms is a Life’s Abundance Independent Field Representative