4 years ago after much thought, research, and planning for the future we decided to add a Lab puppy to our family/farm. Bella was our first baby. She was a bundle of joy and so lovable but like potato chips one wasn’t enough so 2 weeks later we brought home Ella. From there it all began. We quickly realized how Labs had been then number one dog in America for 20 years at this point. We fell head over heels for this breed. We knew that we wanted to breed Labs, Labradoodles, and Yorkies. A few months later we added Bluebell to our family and then it was the waiting game. In the 2 years of waiting I had started college and realized that being a vet wasn’t for me but that raising animals is my passion. What a better way to pursue this then with CNR Farms. My parents helped me get my business incorporated and they became my business partners. Soon after that our first litter of Yorkies and Labradoodles arrived. We learned so much with those first litters. It confirmed even more what I already knew. This is what I love. I love researching and finding quality breeding stock(family members). I love tracking the pregnancies and watching as the mamas personalities will change. I love being there for the birth; it is such a beautiful experience. I love watching the puppies grow and spoiling them. I love placing them is loving homes. And lastly I love getting updates and watching them grow in their new homes. I do this because it is what I love. Over the last 4 years we have went from 4 dogs to 12. People have thought we were crazy for having so many but it’s normal for us now. Our life would be empty without have our babies. They really are our family. In the last years we have decided not to breed Yorkies any longer after we retired Lily but to start breeding Standard Poodles after getting Luke for the Labradoodles and falling in love with that breed as well. It’s normal to always have a dog by your side wanting your attention or for you to throw the stick. All of our dogs are potty trained so visits inside are expected from them if only for a treat. Want to know how to get 12 dogs to sit still? Yell treat. They know they no one gets one till everyone is sitting.
- Here is some of my favorite pictures of our “pack”
- Luke checking out the cows after rolling in the dirt
These are those cute faces we fell in love with!
– Casey