Boys versus Girls the Gender difference

Let’s talk boy versus girl when choosing the gender of dog you want. When it comes to choosing gender I find a lot of people have strong opinions on the gender they want and largely the opinion is based off misconceptions or experience with other breeds. Let me first say there are some breeds that… Read more »

A Week in the Life

One thing that is for sure is my days are never the same. Everyday is different and plans are often changing to whatever is thrown at me. I thought this would be something fun to do. People always want to know what my days look like so here’s a brief summary of how this week… Read more »

Changes for 2025

I have been doing a lot of thinking and planning over the last few months of what CNR Farms would look like this year. Many know that several years ago I decided to split by CNR Farms page into CNR Farms and CNR Doodles. My Australian Labradoodles staying on CNR Farms and my English Goldendoodles… Read more »

Best Laid Plans

I am a planner. I love to know what is coming next and when it comes to planning my litters I often sit down and plan out a year in advance. But the reality is even the best laid plans usually don’t happen as planned when it comes to breeding. There is a lot when… Read more »

The Health Benefits of Having a Labradoodle for Children and Families

labradoodle puppy sitting in grass

Labradoodles, with their friendly demeanor and playful nature, have captured the hearts of families around the world. But beyond being a beloved pet, Labradoodles offer many health and emotional benefits that can enhance the lives of children, adults, and those in need of emotional support. Reducing Stress and Anxiety Labradoodles are known for their calm,… Read more »

Beneficial Tips on Grooming Your Australian Labradoodle

Along with their delightful personalities, Australian Labradoodles are known for being some of the most adorable dogs on the planet. However, their coats require regular grooming to keep them healthy and looking their best. We’re going to dive into some essential grooming tips with CNR Farms, including maintaining their coat and managing their shedding. Understanding… Read more »

What to Look for in a Reputable Breeder. Part 8

This week is a Bonus Tip and that is the Experience. Is purchasing your puppy a whole experience or is it merely a transaction. This is something that I am continually working on. Each and every litter work to improve. I want you to feel a part of the CNR Farms family from the moment… Read more »

What to Look for in a Reputable Breeder. Part 7

How is Puppy Picking done? This is a huge thing to me. I personally do not allow picking until 7 weeks old after temperament testing has been completed. We are talking about a 10-15 year commitment. In the end the color of the dog does not matter but the temperament of that dog and how… Read more »

What to Look for in a Reputable Breeder. Part 6

Lifetime Support. This one I think is so important. Have a question when your dog is 10 years old…please ask me. I believe once you breed a dog and produce puppies those puppies are your responsibility for their entire life. If you have unforeseen circumstances come up and need to find your dog a new… Read more »

What to Look for in a Reputable Breeder. Part 5

Knowledge. I know that everyone has to start somewhere. I was once a “newbie” but I believe every breeder should have basic knowledge of your breed, structure, coat, temperament, care, etc. BEFORE breeding a litter. If you are having to reach out to other breeders and ask basic questions about the puppies you are looking… Read more »